Course for trainers



The ARACNE+ training of trainers course lasts 40 hours and consists of 6 independent modules. The training is designed to allow a trainer who takes this course to be able to design training based on the ARACNE+ model. The modules are as follows:

  1. Fundamentals of the ARACNE+ methodology
  2. Creative thinking in the design of the activities that make up the ARACNE training action. Integrated insertion itineraries
  3. The social enterprise
  4. Active methodologies in the construction of ARACNE training actions
  5. Diagnosis – Definition of professional career and definition of integrated insertion itineraries
  6. Planning of an ARACNE training action. Design of activities

You can access the course for free from here.

A new edition of this Training Course for Trainers is planned for September 2020. If you are interested in participating, please contact us